Just one century ago, Galifar was synonymous with Khorvaire. This map showed one great nation, harmonious and united. Perhaps that’s overstating things. Humanity never crossed the Graywall Mountains or explored the jungles of the east. The Five Nations always had cultural differences and those who yearned for independence. But still, the map showed us at our best: one nation, united in a common cause.
Now I look at the map and I don’t recognize my world. Galifar has been shattered. The Five Nations are irreparably severed. There are so many new realms—kingdoms of elves and goblins, even this so-called ‘nation of monsters.’ Can it possibly last? And if not, will it be another war that brings it down, or will the Mourning consume us all?
—Lyrian Das, Morgrave Historian
Xen’drik is a land of ruins and mysteries. The dragons of Argonnessen have no love for lesser creatures. The psychic tyrants of Sarlona maintain strict control over their borders and their people. So, most player characters begin their adventures on the continent of Khorvaire. While humans make up the majority of the population in the civilized nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home a wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely unified under the Kingdom of Galifar, today Khorvaire is split into many nations—some old, others newborn from the crucible of war.
This chapter provides an overview of the nations of Khorvaire, along with a glimpse of common life, magic, religion, and the world—and planes—that lie beyond it.